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  • 25 Jul 2024 by Andrew Siegwart

    I am very excited to announce that the Ontario Tourism Industry Strategic Plan project has begun!  We are working with Clinton Belcher, President and CEO of CB Powers Enterprises/Canadian Ecotourism Services, on ‘phase one’ of the project which includes formalizing the project plan, conducting preliminary research, and creating a consultation framework to engage industry across Ontario.  The project will include the following key steps and timelines:

    1. Project roadmap – August 2024

    2. Preliminary research – August 2024

    3. Communication and industry consultation – September-October 2024 - Including activations at Ontario Tourism Summit

    4. Strategic plan development – December 2024

    5. Implementation plans and tools – Q1 2025


    We will keep members updated on the project's progress and opportunities for participation and input through all TIAO communication channels.  In the meantime, please forward any existing strategic plans or special initiatives that you have developed within your business, sector, region, or community to be included in our preliminary research.  Please send information as well as any project inquiries directly to


    Please join me in sending our best thoughts and support to our tourism colleagues and community members in Jasper, Alberta at this difficult and critical time.  Thank you to all the first responders for bravely supporting the community.  As we await further status updates, including response needs and aid efforts, please visit the Canadian Red Cross to learn how you can help now.

    Andrew Siegwart

    President & CEO

    Tourism Industry Association of Ontario

  • 18 Jul 2024 by Andrew Siegwart

    Thank you to TIAO’s small business and tourism operator Members who completed hundreds of surveys last week. Your participation has been invaluable in educating the public, media, and government about the impacts of the LCBO strike on Ontario's tourism businesses. We also appreciate the support of sector associations, regional, and destination marketing partners who helped spread the word about this important survey.


    The survey results are clear: food and beverage, northern/rural, and culinary tourism operators are facing critical impacts. Challenges include product availability, slow delivery, restocking issues, customer experience, and lost sales. Although craft producers have seen an increase in sales at their locations, this does not compensate for lost sales through the LCBO retail network.


    Our collective efforts make us stronger. Thanks go out to ORHMA and Restaurants Canada for their engagement with the LCBO to address operator concerns, and for their early advocacy which we have amplified. This week’s TIAO press release, shared by numerous media outlets nationwide, resulted in TIAO giving 14 radio and television interviews in the past 24 hours - generating 104 million media impressions in news and broadcast coverage.


    Negotiations have resumed yesterday.  We will continue to monitor progress, quantify impact, and advocate on behalf of our Members.



    Andrew Siegwart

    President & CEO

    Tourism Industry Association of Ontario

  • 11 Jul 2024 by Jessica Ng

    With the ongoing LCBO strike, TIAO is currently conducting a short survey to gauge the impacts of the strike on TIAO members. If you haven’t completed the survey yet, now is your last chance – click here to access it. The survey closes tomorrow, Friday July 12 at 11:59pm. 


    Early data from our survey shows that: 

    • The LCBO strike is impacting the operations of one-third of respondents. Half of respondents in food and beverage and festival and events sectors have reported impacts to their operations. 
    • Common challenges reported include: product availability, restocking capacity (for larger operators and also for small operators unable to order large wholesale quantities), impacts to visitor experience, and issues using the LCBO’s wholesale portal. 
    • While breweries, wineries, cideries, and distilleries are experiencing an uptick in direct retail sales, they are also losing sales through their LCBO channels. 


    Supply chain disruptions resulting from the LCBO strike are already impacting operators, particularly small tourism and hospitality businesses already facing rising operational costs and labour shortages. With the summer season being a peak month of visitation for our industry, we are concerned about worsening impacts.  


    TIAO urges the LCBO, the provincial government, and striking workers to continue negotiating to reach a swift resolution.  

    Jessica Ng

    Director, Policy & Government Affairs

    Tourism Industry Association of Ontario