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  • 27 Jun 2024 by Jessica Ng



    TIAO’s AGM took place virtually yesterday – it was a great opportunity for the TIAO team and our board to connect with many of our members, reflect on a very busy past year in tourism advocacy, and look ahead to TIAO’s 2024 priorities. 


    In other tourism news, the issue of visa approvals for Canada has once again made headlines, with Calgary missing out on hosting a major international health conference due to visa processing delays.


    Meetings Mean Business Canada (MMBC) and the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) are seeking input from stakeholders to address the issue of delayed visa approvals. Please respond to Minto Schneider (Board Chair, MMBC) at and cc with any feedback to the following:  

    1. Are you aware of any conference/convention bids that were lost due to the length of time it takes for visas to be approved? 
    1. Are you aware of any conference/conventions that were definite that were cancelled due to the time it takes for visas to be approved? 
    1. Do you have any numbers related to attrition because of the visa approval process (either not approved or approved too late for the delegate to make travel arrangements)? 


    Thank you in advance for taking the time to respond – any information would be appreciated and will be used to determine next steps with TIAC and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).  


    Thank you for your continued support. And as always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to send me an email at

    Jessica Ng

    Director, Policy & Government Affairs
    Tourism Industry Association of Ontario

  • 20 Jun 2024 by Andrew Siegwart

    TIAO's leadership team met this week with Tourism Windsor Essex Peele Island and its regional municipal administrators and community leaders to discuss strategic municipal and industry collaboration as well as opportunities that lie ahead for Ontario's tourism industry.

    (Photo: Gordon Orr, CEO, Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island; Town of LaSalle Mayor Crystal Meloche, ,Chair of Board of Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island; Carol Greenwood, TIAO; Dr. Jessica Ng, TIAO, Essex County Warden and Leamington Mayor Hilda MacDonald; Andrew Siegwart, TIAO)


    TIAO's Team frequently works with our Regional Tourism or Destination Marketing Members to provide presentations and consultation with local municipalities.  Please reach out to us if we can assist in your community!


    We're inviting TIAO Members to register for TIAO's upcoming Annual General Meeting. Register to join us virtually on June 26th, 2024 for TIAO's Annual General Meeting here. Links and relevant documents will follow by email after registration.

    Andrew Siegwart

    President & CEO
    Tourism Industry Association of Ontario

  • 13 Jun 2024 by Jessica Ng

    Late last week, the Province announced a substantial cabinet shuffle, along with the creation of some new positions. In the wake of the cabinet shuffle, TIAO welcomes the Honourable Stan Cho to the tourism portfolio as Ontario’s new Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming! We will be meeting with Minister Cho in the coming weeks and look forward to working with him and his team to advance the growth potential and sustainability of the tourism industry.  


    We thank Minister Lumsden and his team for their leadership and collaboration over the past two years, and we congratulate him on his new portfolio as Minister of Sport. We also congratulate the Honourable Sam Oosterhoff, who has moved from the tourism portfolio and has been appointed Associate Minister of Energy-Intensive Industries as part of the Ministry of Energy and Electrification.  


    Other notable changes to the Cabinet include:  

    • Rob Flack becomes Minister of Farming, Agriculture and Agribusiness 
    • Stephen Lecce becomes Minister of Energy and Electrification 
    • Todd Smith becomes Minister of Education 
    • Vijay Thanigasalam becomes Associate Minister of Housing as part of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 
    • Greg Rickford becomes Minister of Indigenous Affairs and First Nations Economic Reconciliation and remains Minister of Northern Development 


    We are in the process of reaching out to Ministers as they settle into their new portfolios and have requested to meet at their earliest convenience. Stay tuned for updates.  

    Jessica Ng

    Director of Policy and Government Affairs
    Tourism Industry Association of Ontario

  • 06 Jun 2024 by Andrew Siegwart

    Did you know?


    More than 90% of Ontario’s tourism operators are small, local, sole proprietors - and they face considerable challenges in our current economy. These issues include inflationary pressure on all business costs, slow return of inbound international and business travel, cautious domestic travelers, a labour shortage that is slowing growth & productivity, and persistent high & expensive debt levels.


    Earlier this week, I was at Queen's Park on behalf of TIAO to show our support for an important new Private Members Bill that would provide financial relief for small tourism businesses across Ontario.

    Private Members Bill 195, tabled by MPP Stephanie Bowman would provide meaningful tax reductions to small tourism businesses & enable them to make critical investments in their teams and operations in order to grow their businesses and Ontario’s visitor economy.


    Tourism Industry Association of Ontario joins Canadian Federation of Independent Business to call on all MPPs & Parties to support their small business constituents & this Bill. Click here to read CFIB’s letter to Min Bethlenfalvy, sent earlier this week, calling for swift passage and all-party support.


    Thank you for your continued support. As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to send us an email at



    Andrew Siegwart

    President & CEO
    Tourism Industry Association of Ontario